Healthy Tamworth Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine strives to bring the benefits of Holistic Medicine to our rural community of Tamworth and surrounding area. Whether you are dealing with stress and mental health, injuries, pain, seasonal or chronic illnesses, fertility and maternity care, Healthy Tamowth Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is here for you!
New: Remote Herbal consultations are available now. Click the link bellow to set up a video consultation.
Also New: Chris Henderson, RMT CAT(C) will be offering registered massage therapy on Sundays and Mondays !
Community Acu Detox - group ear acupuncture session every Friday 5:30pm! A protocol of 5 points per ear to help with stress, cravings, PTSD, anxiety. Drop-in, no appointment necessary. Suggested donation$20